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The Rubix Experience: what we do before your big day

Couples have so much to do before the wedding day, but to be different we thought we’d give you an insight into our world leading up to the big day, it’s way more than just pressing play and taking a picture…. The first one for us is to meet them in person. Emails just have no personality, the telephone is boring, and we’re good looking guys- we want them to see that ;) We call it a consultation meeting, it’s an informal chat, we like getting to know people, we layout what we offer, we tick off the how and whys and hopefully fill them with confidence and excitement. The next is to scout out the venue, especially if it’s new to us. This is vital to us and usually we try to do it with the couple. For the photographer it’s a huge opportunity to look around the venue and decide on what areas and locations will make the best photo. We take into account the suns directions at different points of the day, and we look for an area to take larger pictures – some of our weddings can have over 300 guests. We speak to the staff about what H&S documentation they would like from us and ask about certain iconic pictures that should be taken to reference the venue you’ve chosen. Often we tie this visit into a pre engagement shoot, click here to read more about this. From an entertainments point of view we can look at the main function halls and calculate what size sound system to bring and how many party lights to use. If they are using any of our added services, LED dancefloor, L.O.V.E lighting and room up lighting, we look to see where they can go to have maximum effect without stealing the show.

Equipment maintenance, it’s like painting the fourth road bridge, never ending. We take pride in our apparatus, we spend a lot buying it so we have to take care of it. The cameras all get a good clean and dusting, they all get charged and we always have spare batteries, this way we’ll never miss a shot. We come with two laptops that are empty to receive your pictures on the day. We back up the pics throughout the day so we can’t lose any; Our photo booth does this automatically. We wash our backdrops and props as they get dirty so easily around drunk people. Our DJ equipment can go through hell too as it doesn’t travel well, every single light bulb is tested before it’s loaded and our speakers get their spot welds checked for secure connection. But don’t worry we carry so much spare equipment we could work effortlessly with any single piece missing just fine.

Music. This happens much closer to the day. Chris is our music librarian, he has over 10,000 tracks and loves adding to it. We check we have all the songs that the couple and the guests may have requested in advance, including the all-important first dance, click here to read about how to choose the most important song of the day. All our music is backed up on another laptop and we even create a separate folder just for your event, so we always know exactly where to find what you want. We keep in regular contact from start to finish, letting the couple know of any details we need from them. One of the things we pride ourselves on is being adaptable, it’s a big day so the hosts should be able to change their mind and feel comfortable with the decisions they make. We also liaise directly with the venue to supply the documents they require, usually insurance, PAT and risk assessments – less hassle for the couple. So there you have it, we’re ready, our uniforms are clean, the shoes are polished, and the gear is packed and ready. It’s show time!

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